JUNE 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
Interdisciplinary Studies in Music Research the Substance of Study and Implications of Fine Arts, Mathematics, and Philosophy
1Hari Waskito,2I Wayan Karja
1,2The Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Denpasar. Jalan Nusa Indah Denpasar Timur 80235 Bali, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-47

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Interdisciplinary studies in music education research can integrate various disciplines that can help enrich the understanding of fine arts, mathematics, and philosophy. In terms of fine arts, this approach can help students understand the relationship between fine arts and music to enrich their experience in understanding and producing works of art. In terms of mathematics, mathematical elements found in music theory can be applied in music education, so that students can understand how mathematical principles can be applied in the arts. In terms of philosophy, an understanding of ontology, epistemology as well as axiology can help students consider the meaning and value of musical artworks. Interdisciplinary study in music research implies that students can gain a richer and more multidimensional learning experience, and develop skills and understanding that are holistic and beneficial to their future lives.


interdisciplinary studies; music; visual arts; mathematics; philosophy.


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023

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